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Embark on a transformative counseling journey with the Spiral Self Method (SSM), blending Jungian psychology and mythological themes. Crafted with over a decade of expertise, each session offers structured healing with worksheets, meditations, and expert guidance. Each core question - who are you - what has shaped you - what do you need - why are you here? comprises of 7 expertly guided session... Read More

Embark on a transformative counseling journey with the Spiral Self Method (SSM), blending Jungian psychology and mythological themes. Crafted with over a decade of expertise, each session offers structured healing with worksheets, meditations, and expert guidance. Each core question - who are you - what has shaped you - what do you need - why are you here? comprises of 7 expertly guided sessions, offering practical counseling for radical change. Embrace remote sessions for self-reflection, unraveling the threads of your identity with somatic narrative techniques. Dive deep into life's essential questions in remote sessions to find clarity and confidence. Start your journey of self-discovery today and get the most out of your investment in counseling. Explore life's complexities through expertly guided sessions, offering practical counseling for radical change.

With nearly 10 years of psychotherapy experience, I blend evidence-based methods and intuitive inquiry. I provide practical counseling for radical change, empowering you to dispel shame, embody change, and integrate power.

With nearly 10 years of psychotherapy experience, I blend evidence-based methods and intuitive in... Read More

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